15th September 2021   |   Audit

Melbourne's Audit season.

Did you know that it is Melbourne’s Audit season? With under two weeks left, Auditors are in the race to complete financial reports, despite the lockdown. They spend a stressful 60 to 80 hours per week with constant pressure to meet those deadlines. The Covid lockdown has made it harder for some and facing internet challenges with the remote audits. Collecting financial data and securely accessing client data whilst ensuring cyber security practices has taken a toll on Auditors this year. Seriously, they don’t get enough credit for their work behind closed doors. As stressful as it is, businesses should understand that it is crucial to have a financial report yearly to be audited and meet all the compliance requirements. The internal controls are maintained accordingly.

With the right tools and strategies, Auditors can be more efficient and navigate. They can retain a higher quality of audits and assessments without compromising data privacy and security.

Contact Ax3 for your Spring audit report today!

To contact our registered Auditor Click here 

To find out more information on Audits you can go to the ASIC website 

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